To download our logo, follow these steps:

  1. Click and hold (Mac) or right mouse click (PC) on one of the images below until a dialog box appears.
  2. Select "save image as."
  3. A box pops up asking you where you want to save the image to. Navigate to the folder in which you want to keep your images.
  4. If you are working on a Mac, also make sure that the name you choose ends in .png (if you are using a PC it will automatically insert this extension for you).
  5. Click on the "save" button. You now have an identical copy!

Or you can copy and paste the following for a url link for the small logo:

<a href="" title="Scottsdale Neighborhood Art Place, SNAP">
<img title="SNAP logo" src="" alt="SNAP logo small" border="0" />


SNAP logo small

SNAP logo large